Saturday 28 January 2017

Holiday Season (8 months down)

It has been 8 months officially now. I have also missed last month post/update whatever you want to call it, but I’ve been busy with teaching, celebrating Christmas, planning my trip to Thailand, New Years and now Chinese New Years.

Celebrating Christmas here was a little tough for me to be honest. I’ve grown accustom to not working for a week or so around Christmas, and spending it with family and friends, but this year I worked on Christmas day so had a small yet joyful celebration the following with some fellow expats in Harbin. We all exchanged gifts, stories, ate like no tomorrow, we also had our fair share wine and beer.
All in all a very good of people under one roof. New Years wasn’t anything to special just hit up a few bars, seen some friends, went to a club and seen some fireworks! More of quiet night, but with a heavy crowd of people as there should be.

Right after this holiday hours started at work. Meaning longer hours to put in prior to having my vacation time start, and I will tell it was like murder with all the weird hours I had to complete during those last two weeks of teaching before the break, but all in all worth it.

Chinese New Years was a good celebration. I was invited to a party/celebration with a co-worker and her family, they played games, cooked together (I hand made dumplings!), drank together and shot off boxes of fireworks! I was lucky enough to aloud to light a few of them myself. After that we all headed back inside to resume eating and drinking. My coworkers husband was trying to challenge me to see who could drink the most, and I can honestly say that man can drink! I lost count of how many we had fairly quickly. To summarize this occasion, I was shown a great deal of hospitality and love that night, it really made me feel like I was home with my family back in Canada.

All of those events have gone successfully, and next is time for me to relax under sun, in a hammock (God willing), with cold beer and explore Thailand to the best of my abilities! This was just a quick little update of the last two months. Next post will be my experience in Thailand, until next time!